This 1967 photograph shows S-1C-8 (the first stage) of a Saturn V rocket at the Michoud Assembly Facility in Louisiana. MAF manufactured the stages of the Saturn IB and V, the rockets which powered the Apollo astronauts to the Moon.

The first stage produced 7,500,000 pounds of thrust. It stood 138 ft. tall by 33 ft. in diameter. It reached an altitude of 27.6 miles (146,000') at 150 seconds into the flight. It weighted 5,017,000 lbs. (loaded) 289,900 lbs. (empty). It's 5 F1 Rocketdyne motors consumed it's 4,727,100 lbs. of liquid oxygen and kerosene during there two and a half minute burn. That's 3,357 gallons per second. Combined the engines turbopumps could empty an Olympic size swimming pool in 8.9 seconds. During testing at Stennis Space Center together the five engines were ignited in a test stand creating the loudest no-nuclear man made sound every. A single F1 engine produces more thrust then all three space shuttle main engines combined.
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