My first flight of the event was with Steve Naquin's Stinger 4 rocket. I flew it on a new Aerotech Medal Storm Motor. It was an H170M for the 38mm 360ns case. The flight was nominal with a shower of sparks off the pad the rocket headed for 1,500'. The chute deployed right on time for a close in recovery.
That was all I flew on Saturday. I didn't feel there was enough time to get the Max Attack prepped and on the pad before the range closed. I had spent a lot of time helping out with Scott Taylor's XST III flight for his successful L3 flight. Congratulations Scott. It was a memorable flight. As the rocket left the pad I could here the entire flight line erupt into cheers and applause.
Sunday brought with it perfect weather for the Max Attack to fly. So I started prepping as soon as I got up. I had simmed my flight to 12,000' so I knew I would need the extended 14,000' waiver that was available from 10:00AM to 12:00PM. I had the Max attack prepped and on the pad by 10:30AM. The flight went perfect. With the rocket landing in the field for an easy recovery. I had a micro keychain camera taped to the side of the rocket. So I was anxious to see how it came out. I immediately broke out the laptop and played the video for everyone once I got back to our compound.

After taking a break I prepped my 4x upscale Astron Alpha for my final flight of the event. I flew it on a Aerotech I285 Mojave Green motor. It was another beautiful flight to 2,000 ft. With a perfect deployment of the custom 54" Spherachute. The rocket landed in the field for another easy recovery. I was able to start packing up around 2:30PM and was on the road by 3:00PM for the drive back to Luling,LA
This was a great trip and I would recommend this launch for all to attend. Hope to see you there next year.
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